Answered By: Andrea Wright
Last Updated: Sep 07, 2017     Views: 51

The good news is that you probably have enough basic information on hand to find all the remaining citation pieces. Even if you just have a photocopy that someone gave to you, it should include a title and possibly an author as well. You can search our EBSCO databases to try to find a complete record that will include all the other information you need for a complete reference or citation.

*tip* Try searching for the title in quotation marks to narrow your results. If you still get to many, add the author's last name after the title.

EBSCO Multisearch


If the source does not appear to be a book or a journal article, try a Google search using the same tips.

When all else fails, email a librarian with the information you do have. We're very good at this sort of thing.

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